Loyal #18
Eucalyptus strip laminated with black and yellow dye
loyal #18 is made out of 6 thin strips of laminated, locally sourced Eucalyptus wood. The city maintenance crew left some logs to rot so I took one home and put it to use. This big boom is decorated with 8 brass tubes filled with black epoxy and black and yellow dye. Because the boomerang is so big and Eucalyptus is dense and heavy, I thinned the boomerang down to 5.2mm. The result is an incredible long flight with minimal effort.
Wingspan: 46,1cm
Wood: Eucalyptus
Finish: lacquer (gloss)
Add-on: 8 brass weights filled with black epoxy
Distance: Distance: 60m
Power: light
Flight: long slow circular flight with steady height