Loyal #25
Natural triblader Coast live oak
I can’t believe it took me until loyal #25 to finally make a triblader. I found a solid Coast live oak fork in January 2023 in the forest close to our home. After cutting it in blanks, and drying it for a few months, it was finally ready for shaping. I developed the wingshape from scratch and copied that shape three times to make my first triblader. The grain is insane, but unfortunately it is so gnarly that one of the wings has a weak spot in the middle of the wing. Another lesson learned! I threw this boomerang many times in the past year, but since the end of the summer it is off duty and retired. It now serves as a template for new boomerangs and decorates the wall in my boomshop!
Wingspan: 33.5cm
Wood: Coast live oak
Finish: Wipe on poly
Add-on: /
Distance: 20m
Power: light
Flight: medium to high flight with slow descent