Loyal #26
Triblader with Walnut veneer and G10 core
Loyal #26 is something else. I wanted to create a boomerang based on mid-century design with clean lines, minimal details, geometric shape and a combination of natural and manmade materials.
Some time ago I bought a stack of old veneers from a retired furniture restoration guy. 4 layers of Walnut veneer make up the outer layers of this triblader. The inner core is a 1mm layer of G10, a composite material made of fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin.
The layers are glued together with epoxy and the wood is finished with multiple layers of homemade wipe-on polyurethane.
The boomerang has a fairly high flight. It flies well in wind or no-wind conditions and requires a medium throw. It has a minimal hover due to the slim waist.
Wingspan: 32.8cm
Wood: Walnut
Finish: Wipe on poly
Add-on: G10 core
Distance: 25m
Power: medium
Flight: Medium height. Elliptical to circular flight. Minimal hover.