Loyal #6

Coast live oak natural elbow hook with Man pa handles

This boomerang is the combination of different woods and different techniques. An imperfect but big natural elbow forms the base. The tips are enforced with reclaimed Man pa tropical hardwood. The elbow is a solid piece of Mahogany. To strengthen the joints and protect the tips, two strips of Red oak were steam bended around the boomerang. Despite its hefty weight, this boomerang wants to fly. It pulls itself out of the hand without much effort, and finds its way back easily, with or without wind. 

Wingspan: 45,5cm

Wood: Coast live oak elbow, Man pa tips, Mahogany elbow piece, Red oak strips

Finish: boiled linseed oil + wax

Distance: 45m

Power: Medium

Flight: Slow with a gentle rise and fall


loyal 7


loyal 5